Im Rahmen des GrIStuF letzte Woche baten wir einige der International Students uns Berichte oder Kommentare zukommen zu lassen. Imran Shinwari nutzte diese Chance, um ein Statement zur Gleichberechtigung in seinem Land zu machen. Sehr passend zu dem Thema “Beyond Borders” wagt er es Kritik an dem System in seinem Land zu äußern.                                                                                                


“I am one of the men, who is urged to speak out against gender inequality in a country which is often ranked one of the most dangerous places in the world for women. Afghanistan was not historically the country of inequality before Soviet invasion and Taliban empowerment, the country’s first constitution in 1923, guaranteed equal rights for both men and women. After Taliban brought Shariah Law, all of the freedom they had enjoyed were stripped away and women were essentially invisible in public life, but since 2001 again woman appeared in public life through establishing new government of Afghanistan by the help of United Nation countries.

Man and woman are created from single entity and are basically equal.”

Imran Shinwari, Afghanistan


Beitragsbild: Imran Shinwari